Master Scuba Diver

Master Scuba Diver
The PADI Master Scuba Diver (MSD) rating is the highest recreational qualification available to PADI divers.
It shows you have reached the ultimate requirement is diving skills and have taken part in numerous underwater activities.
To become an MSD YOU must have achieved PADI Rescue Diver with EFR have 50 lo9gged dives and must have completed at least 5 PADI specialities.
If MSD is something you have thought about we can help you achieve your dreams.
We can help with your Rescue Diver qualification if you don't already hold it.
We can build Speciality packages based on your current qualifications to help you achieve the 5 standard minimum.
We have a club that runs pleasure dives to help you reach the 50-logged dives you require.
For more information on PADI Divemaster rating and how we can help you please get in contact with one of our instructors or Divemasters will be only too happy to help you out.