Frequently Asked Questions.
Looking for an answer to a question ?
Check our FAQ if you cant find what your looking for give us a call or drop us a message.
Q, Where is the pool ?
A All pool sessions are held at
The Spa, Volair, Knowsley Leisure & Culture Park, Longview Drive, Huyton, Merseyside L36 6EG
Q, What do i need to bring to the pool with me ?
A, You will need a normal swimming costume or shorts and t-shirt and a towel,
Depending on the course or speciality you are completing SCUBA gear will be provided but this will be b discussed at your time if booking.
Q. Do you provide all the equipment I will need ?
A. For Discover SCUBA and Open Water courses all diving equipment is provided for the duration of the course.
If you add Dry Suit speciality to your Open Water the Dry Suit will also be provided. For qualified divers completing Dry Suit speciality Dry Suit will be provided but all other equipment will need to be hired.
As of October 2023 any student completing courses or specialities (other than those listed above) is required to have their own SCUBA equipment or to have hired suitable kit for the duration of the course/speciality.
AquaV have kit available to rent please make sure we are aware of your requirements when booking
Q. How long does my course or speciality take to complete ?
A. Specialities are usually for qualified divers looking to expand their personal skills as a diver and as such wont take as long as a course to complete.
Courses are ran over a number of weeks and your instructor will discuss your progress at the end of each pool session.
Q. Where is the dive site/ Quarry ?
A. This will depend on the course or speciality you are completing, However most courses will be held at.
Capernwray Diving Centre, Jackdaw Quarry, Capernwray Rd, Carnforth LA6 1AD
Q How do I get to the pool, dive site/quarry ?
A. Transport to the pool, dive site/quarry is NOT provided or arranged by the school we advise you to arrange this well in advance of the dates you will have been given.
Q. Are my entrance fees to the dive site/quarry included in my course or speciality price ?
A. Unfortunately no, to keep prices competitive we don't include these fees in course or speciality cost.
You will have been provided with a link to the site were you can become a member and pay any fees.
(Diving at Capernwray | Capernwray Diving Centre (dive-site.co.uk)
Q. What is E Learning ?
A. Electronic learning (eLearning) is the delivery of your chosen course or speciality using your mobile device or web browser. Once AquaV have received your payment we will allocate a login code for you to access your
personal eLearning site.
PADI eLearning allows you to begin your dive education at your convenience, using your desktop, laptop, mobile device, and finish your training in the water with a us. Don't worry our Instructors also have access into your eLearning profile were they can monitor your progress and answer any questions you may have..
Q. I have filled out paperwork but where does this go and what happens to it ?
A. Once you have access into your personal eLearning profile the majority of the paperwork can be filled out and signed electronically using your device. This paperwork is held and stored by PADI.
You will be sent a single AquaV form which must be filled out and returned to our admin department.
The form is held by AquaV under current regulations set out by GDPR. (Available at your request).
Q. What happens what I have passed my courses/Speciality ?
A. During your training your instructor will sign off each confined and open water section digitally through your personal eLearning account.
You will be required to log your training dives after each pool and quarry session.
Once you have passed your course you will be able to log any pleasure digitally dives online